Saturday 25 February 2012

Some of my favourite things

Well, my laptop of course...none of this would be possible without it. I love the way one click leads to another and the fact that you never know exactly where you will end up and what you will find along the way. There is so much to learn, so much you can teach yourself, so much to inspire. I had heard of blogs, even read a few, but I think I was under the impression that blogging was for just for those other, cleverer, more tech savvy people out there, successful people with exciting lives. I'm only just beginning to understand that blogs are for everyone, blogs give a voice to ordinary people. We ALL have something to say, and who knows, it may be the very thing that someone else, who arrives by way of a few random clicks, is waiting to hear, to give them inspiration, or brighten their day.

Begin at the beginning

Faced with a blank white space in which to jot down my thoughts, I have suddenly realised that blogging might be harder than it looks. I'm a new convert to the world of blogging and I'm amazed at all the talented "ordinary" folk that not only have time to organize their lives, and raise their families but still have time to write about their thoughts, dreams, ideas and plans and be original and creative too. I've got a lot to learn but everyone has to start somewhere and hopefully this is the beginning of something very exciting for me.